~ Here be spoilers ~

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

why i love mad men

dupa ce a scris cateva episoade din the sopranos, matthew weiner a avut o idee geniala si a nascut unul dintre cele mai bune produse tv... de cand exista tv. mad men e istoria unei celebre agentii de publicitate mixata cu istoria vietii private din anii 1960.

oh, the good old days, right? cand orice iesire din casa era un fashion statement, desi nu toata lumea arata ca o stepford wife. cand fumai cu sete si beai pantagruelic in tren, pe strada, la birou, acasa, langa copii nou - nascuti si in general everyfuckingwhere. cand gaseai legume si fructe eco la supermarket fara prea multa bataie de cap. cand nu exista decat telefon fix. cand foloseai masini de scris, nu mini notebookuri urate sau vaio-uri prea grele. cand advertisingul era mult mai aerisit decat a ajuns cateva zeci de ani dupa. cand copyurile erau lungi si storyboardurile naive si muncite, nu mazgalite. cand era in regula sa ascunzi sarcina numai ca sa devii o femeie de succes. cand puteai chiar sa devii una, fara sa te fi culcat cu nimeni pentru asta. cand oamenii de la leo, y&r, mccann, tbwa sau ddb erau niste unii cu care te bateai pe burta si-i spargeai la pitchuri, nu some big hot shots intimidanti. cand puteai sa te plangi de traficul din new york fara sa ai aerul ca spui cel mai mare truism. cand barbatii aratau a barbati, nu a papusei indecisi sexual. cand masinile aratau bestial. cand puteai sa fii housewife si toata lumea din jurul tau sa fie ok cu asta. utterly romantic, nu?

nu pot sa zic ca serialul e suficient de ritmat pentru gusturile mele. dar m-a prins foarte bine cu universul asta vetusto-modern de pe alta planeta cu miros straniu, care parca n-a existat niciodata - si totusi vine de undeva.

in +, gotta love the lines.
  • freud, you say? what agency is he with?
  • the reason you haven't felt it is because it doesnt't exist. what you call love was invented by guys like me to sell nylons.
  • i'm living like there's no tomorrow because there isn't one.
  • advertising is based on one thing: happiness. and you know what happiness is? it's the smell of a new car... it's freedom from fear. it's a billboard on the side of the road that screams with reassurance that whatever you're doing is ok. you are ok.
  • "what kind of company will we be?" "the kind where everyone has a summer house".
  • people want to be told what to do so badly that they'll listen to anyone.
  • why is it that every time a man takes you out to lunch around here, you're the dessert?
  • should we drink before the meeting, after the meeting, or both?
  • kids today... they have nothing to look up to... cause they're looking up to us.
si cam asta-i. 6 premii emmy, 3 globuri de aur si un al treilea sezon tba.

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