~ Here be spoilers ~

Sunday, February 21, 2010

"faster, fatter, bigger, cheaper" - notes on a scandal

  • There are no seasons in the American supermarket. Now there are tomatoes all year round, grown halfway around the world, picked when it was green, and ripened with ethylene gas. Although it looks like a tomato, it's kind of a notional tomato. I mean, it's the idea of a tomato.
  • felul de agricultura practicata de sua => really cheap corn => high fructose corn / soy / wheat syrup used in loads of products => bad calories are really cheap = > cel mai mare indicator al obezitatii e nivelul de venituri.
  • industria pune obezitatea pe seama lipsei de responsabilitate pe care fiecare o avem fata de propria persoana. dar cand proiectezi alimentele, apesi butoanele evolutiei.
  • we're hard-wired to go for three tastes: salt, fat and sugar. these things are very rare in nature. iar dieta bazata pe high fructose corn / soy / wheat syrup + carbohidrati rafinati => spikes of insulin & are gradually wearing down the system by which our bodies metabolyze the sugar. evident, daca nu-l metabolizezi, te ingrasi.
  • genetically modified crops - semintele nu se pot salva de la an la an, sunt "publice"; la fel cum microsoft detine drepturile intelectuale din spatele majoritatii computerelor din sua, compania montsano si-a propus sa detina drepturile intelectuale din spatele majoritatii mancarurilor din sua. astfel, exista doar 5-6 soiuri de seminte de cereale modificate genetic care se pot planta.
grr. enough already.

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